Dedicated to all my genuine friends who care and ask for my opinion.

Part 1: Get Inspired
- the main content of the book – coutries selected into the sections of Adventure and Extreme Sports, Art and Design, Fashion, Food, Music, Sex and Partying
Part 2: Get your shit together
- everything you need to find from planning your budget, visa process, accomodation to insurance
Part 3: Make yourself useful
- the part where you have a chance to add more value to your travel experience with volunteering opportunities, programs, schools and regular jobs available worldwide
Cool stuff
Where in a travel guide could you find about shark-feeding dive? Australia, top-ranked extreme-sport provider, gives you this upgrade.
You rather settle down for some chill and Cristianity? You can find Jesus sculptures around the world on the page 61. Majestic as they are, together they make a Jesus dream team.
As said, "Swedes don't discriminate based on hotdogs or hallways." Learn more about Scandinavian unisex clothing style.
420 enthusiasts can find their point of interest on the page 101, Amsterdam top 3 cafés. And yes, you're not fooling anyone, in Amsterdam you simply don't do sight-seeing.
Most useful eye-opener for me – Guide to Toilets Around the World. I think I am gonna schedule my next trip according to this observation.
Not sure if to take that so-called travel buddy with you because the farthest he/she has been was the one's grandma's? Nevermind, here you get tips of how to find the travel soulmate. Seriously, this is essential you need to take care of before you go.
OTP got packing tips for you. Although there are many vlogs now on youtube to find the "right way". Well in this shit, you're not gonna find out how to roll your clothes in the suitcase. They simply tell the story of their experience as they found out on their way through some struggles, I guess.
This section is focused on US citizens indicating if you wanna keep your journey budget-wise you should start from the cheapest location possible. From volunteering to car exchanges or bus services, try it all out.
3-way ticket called open-jaws, why not? Sick and tired of regular round trips? Wanna explore more and don't wanna be stuck on single journey fares all the time? Learn more here. Dare yourself Around the World ticket? Make it twice, please. Page 148.
Something for female travelers, single or taken – the column how to get along with a birth control while on the way. I guess the credit goes especially to Anna Starostinetskaya, thank you!
Tantalizing pictures in the party section are just about right. I feel like I am not the only one ever appearing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
According to the volunteering opportunities you gotta know this – beware of big cat shelters, do your research. For US citizens, the column about the Peace Corps is included as well as odd jobs to fund your travels for all citizens worldwide.

Nowhere else
Amazing photo feed from Barcelonian Dali Museum or Tokyo's must-see tattoo culture alongside with the Haggling Like an International Boss will motivate you, indeed. How did you think I had paid 150 000IDR in Bali instead of 340?! Insider tips included step by step.
More into Indonesie, see my experience in Bali here and don't laugh>>
Love guinea-pigs and horror movies as I do? Take a peek at Peruan feast – "dressed to kill". Or you rather try out baby mice wine? Follow the steps how to "create an impenetrable force field of gross smells and sights" around you.
Who goes to Paris, you know it is not all about crêpes. People have sex there, too. Freddie's team says it right: Park your lazy ass on one of the benches there and start doing some slimy tongue push-ups." Where?
Find out in the revised and updated version>>
The best I found for nasty creatures who create the daily gossip: Step-by-step guide based on a high-skill observation how to get laid during the flight. Well, it's a quickie – get in, get out. Do you prefer to keep your feet on the ground? Use the Global Street Smart Chart showing you a couple of countries with their allowance of alcohol consumption, age of consent, marijuana and prostitution law in one page – more specifically, 171.
Titles which get you pumped-up:
Bolivia's Death Road, WTF is Haggis and other "nasty shit on planet Earth", Taiwanese Pussy Pilot, Making Cash Out of Trash, Brazilians Have Butts in the Bag.
By this time you should already be kicked up and pack your bags. In case you don't know who supports you as a US citizen, check the section "Who's Your Daddy?" aka What US Embassy Can Do for You. Do not forget Fuck It, Go Big!, at last, where you find information about UNs' World Food Programme.
Crude and witty language
When you compare snorkeling to a three-some gone wrong while talking about diving along the reef in Cairns, Australia. Simply because "you'll just be looking at the reef rather than being a part of it." – true, mate.

Introducing the Indian Rickshaw Run with "Since 2006, crazy motherfuckers known as The Adventurists have put on the Rickshaw Run. Find your daredevil teammate and go! Why? You are gonna be taught by the country's greasiest badasses.
This just made it clear as never before: Nutella has made peanut butter its bitch. I am done here. Period.
Do not fiest on Nutella? First, you're a weirdo. Second, there's edible dildos for you in Georgia.
Learn from the masters how to start your tongue aerobics in Rio or how to mingle with Lao tube rats – "those creatures travel in small packs and have probably been too fucked up to figure out a proper shower." Besides all this, it is a great way to meet other travelers. You never know which tube rat is gonna be your future friend for life.
This guide gets you through the culture shocks, too. Experiencing "ordering something and a baked goat head with eyeballs showing up 20 minutes later" is not unusual for any of us.
There is a column focused on opportunities in the Czech Republic, my hometown which I recommend. Have you heard about Prague and its essentials? >> Trust me, I am local.
Couchsurfing has been dedicated a bit of an introduction in here to know what is the valuable concept of it, regardless the horny dickheads who try to spoil it. Depends whom you bump into. I am considering writing a short blog about my bad experience in the New York City so that you know you might not be alone in a serious situation.
Now you know why. This was a short list of my favorites, though. It is all inside here>>
For me, it was like reading a novel. I was laughing from the beginning till the end. My must-have travel guide has its well-deserved place on the shelf for 5 years already. A masterpiece I won't take a step without. It is worth the weight of the paperback, though, considering kindle version is a good idea.