Out of the city limits we found calming nature of Hsinchu County. Above the top of Zhudong Township, there is a picturesque scenery of the countryside's plantages along a quiet branch of Touqian River. In that small valley there are situated to me well-known organic farms.
Both of them are in charge by Mr. Soho who is a successful positively-thinking farmer dedicated to his work and his family. I had a pleasure to meet him and stay at his main farm called 頤禾園有機農園 for some time with my friends.
The second farm is owned by an organization helping handicaped children. These kids spend days at their farm learning how to care for plants and how to make them grow. Because it makes them happy and that's what's important.
It was a life-changing experience. Uncle Soho studied technology when he's been at my age and then changed the focus to organic farming. Now he runs a growing business spreading to whole Asia using technological innovations in farming. In his opinion farming is not just planting and harvesting, it should have its own strategy and long-term planning to follow. With nowadays technological tools you can achieve maximum success. Given that solar energy is on the rise! Using that here in Taiwan, having daily 35°C, you can help environment to the hilt. For more inspiration how to use the solar energy, you can visit the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) located just 25 minutes far by car. English tour guaranteed.
Uncle Soho's offer includes internships at his farm giving a hand in farming and learning more about his life-long project. Throughout summer there are internships available for those who'd like to experience teaching kids English and something more about one's hometown and nationality. It is the best way how to spend your vacation, trust me, I did it! And don't worry, Mr. Soho is a very hospitable, polite and helpful man.
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